Tobago Demo


Getting Started

This section describes how to build Tobago and run the example applications from the sources.

Checking Out

Check out the current development sources by running the following: $ git clone tobago You can check out older versions like 2.x by using the git remote branch (tobago-2.x) running: $ git clone -b tobago-2.x tobago-2.x


You need Maven (at least version 3.0.4) and Java (version 8 or higher) to build Tobago.

Change to the local loaded source directory and call

$ mvn clean install

to run the install target on all sub projects. This will download all necessary artifacts into your local Maven repository.

Todo: Update this page and merge it with the 'Docker' page.


You can run the examples inside tobago-example with jetty $ mvn jetty:run -Pjetty or $ mvn package and deploy the WAR from the target directory manually.

Using different JSF implementations

By default the example will be started with MyFaces 2.3 and Jetty 9. $ mvn jetty:run -Pjetty For Jetty 10 use the profile jee8. $ mvn jetty:run -Pjetty -Pjee8 You can select a specific JSF implementation with the jsf variable, like Mojarra. $ mvn jetty:run -Djsf=mojarra-2.3
It's also possible to run the demo in TomEE from Maven directly $ mvn clean package tomee:run -Ptomee -Djsf=provided


For development the example-demo could be run with maven profile "dev".

$ mvn -Pdev jetty:run -Pjetty

In this case the npm scripts "dev-css" and "dev-ts" could be run to compile css and typescript classes. These changes would be detected by jetty without restart.

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