For local menu for the suggest box use localMenu="true"
in <tc:suggest>
instead of markup="localMenu"
in the
The attribute placehoder
in <tc:file>
has been removed, because its not supported with Bootstrap 5.
The attribute applicatonIcon
in <tc:page>
has been removed. Please use the <tc:metaLink>
tag instead.
- Completely refactored
- Support for HTML input types: date, time, datetime-local
- Droped support for java.util.Calendar
- Replace <tc:convertDateTime> with <f:convertDateTime>
On form components labelLayout='skip'
could be used in Tobago 4 to remove the bottom margin. The new attribute
replace this. By default it's 'true' and a bottom margin is set on form components. Use
to remove the margin.
Custom markups are no longer supported in Tobago 5. The markup attribute have to be replaced by
<tc:style customClass="..."/>