The related default-button is searched in the current <tc:form/>
If there no default-button could found, the search is continued in the parent form and so on.
If no default-button found on this way, the button is search outside of a form.
In this example, the 'Submit A'-button is in a form together with a intputfield and output field.
The 'Submit B'-button is outside a form.
Now, if the cursor is in 'Textfield A' and the enter key is pressed, the 'Submit A'-button is activated.
Therefor only the 'Textfield A'-value will be submitted.
If the cursor is in 'Textfield B' and the enter key is pressed, the 'Submit B'-button is activated.
This will submit the 'Textfield A'-value as well as the 'Textfield B'-value.