A sheet with ten rows and a maximal height of 500px. The header is static.
To get a static header, you have to set a maximal height and the
attribute must be used to set the width of the columns manually.
<tc:sheet value="#{sheetController.solarList}" var="object" rows="10"
columns="3fr 80px 20% 2fr 1fr">
<tc:style maxHeight="500px"/>
...Name | Orbit | Period (Days) | Discoverer | Year | | |
Sun | - | 0.0 | - | | | |
Mercury | Sun | 87.97 | - | | | |
Venus | Sun | 224.7 | - | | | |
Earth | Sun | 365.26 | - | | | |
Mars | Sun | 686.98 | - | | | |
Jupiter | Sun | 4332.71 | - | | | |
Saturn | Sun | 10759.5 | - | | | |
Uranus | Sun | 30685.0 | Herschel | 1781 | | |
Neptune | Sun | 60190.0 | Adams | 1846 | | |
Pluto | Sun | 90800.0 | Tombaugh | 1930 | | |
Rows 1 to 10 of 88