Tobago Demo



There are two kinds of behaviors:

  • <f:ajax/> send an ajax request
  • <tc:event/> do a full page reload

Tag Library Documentation: <f:ajax/> | <tc:event/>

Basic example

Type a text into the input field. After leaving the input field, the given text is shown in the output field.


<tc:in label="Ajax Input" value="#{behaviorController.ajax}">
  <f:ajax render="outAjax"/>


<tc:in label="Event Input" value="#{behaviorController.event}">

Change the event

It's possible to change the event name. For example if you want a double click event, change the event name to dblclick.

<tc:button label="Ajax Double Click">
  <f:ajax event="dblclick" render="outCounter" listener="..."/>
<tc:button label="Event Double Click">
  <tc:event event="dblclick" actionListener="..."/>

tc:event as a paranet component

<tc:event> can contain <f:ajax> or <tc:operation> tags.

This is helpfull if the parent component cannot handle operations by itself, for example <tc:row/>. In this case, the event attribute of <f:ajax/> will be ignored.

    <f:ajax execute=":::popup" render=":::popup" listener="..."/>
    <tc:operation name="show" for=":::popup"/>

f:ajax and tc:event

<f:ajax/> and <tc:event/> can be used side by side. A click on the button fires the AJAX event, a double click do a full page reload.

<tc:button id="btnAjaxEvent" label="Submit" type="submit">
  <f:ajax event="click" render="out" listener="#{behaviorController.eventOutput}"/>
  <tc:event event="dblclick" actionListener="#{behaviorController.eventOutput}"/>
<tc:out id="out" label="Output:" value="#{behaviorController.output}"/>

DOM events

The <tc:event/> tag allows some control over DOM events.


The stopPropagation attribute prevents further propagation of the current event (see stopPropagation). This is useful for example for a sortable sheet with a component inside the bar-facet.

In the following example the input field for filter by names can be clicked without execute the sorting.

<tc:sheet ...>
  <tc:column label="Name" sortable="true">
    <f:facet name="bar">
        <tc:style customClass="d-inline-block"/>
        <tc:event stopPropagation="true" omit="true">
          <tc:in value="#{}">
            <f:ajax execute=":::sheet" render=":::sheet" listener="#{sheetFilterController.filter}"/>
    <tc:out value="#{}" plain="true"/>
Name Orbit Distance Period
Sun - 0 0.0
Mercury Sun 57910 87.97
Venus Sun 108200 224.7
Earth Sun 149600 365.26
Rows 1 to 4 of 88
  • Page 1 of 22

Custom event

If the customEventName attribute is set, a custom event is fired by the given name.

<tc:button label="Fire event">
  <tc:event omit="true" customEventName="my-event"/>
  <tc:style customClass="custom-event-result"/>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
  document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("my-event", () =>
    document.querySelector(".custom-event-result").textContent = "my-event fired at " + new Date());
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